Sunday 30 January 2011

Tea Cosy Update

I've been busy with the tea-cosies, and just put the first one on Folksy...

...and here's the next one, which is destined for Folksy too!

The flowers are very labour-intensive, but very pretty...

Sunday 23 January 2011

Flower Basket Tea Cosy

This is an old pattern, from a Paton's bazaar book.  I started it in DK but found it was too thin and floppy, so ended up doubling the yarn and using bigger needles.

I crocheted the flowers and leaves and I think it's turned out pretty well!

Saturday 22 January 2011

Silk and Sea Cell Yarn

I'm now listing some really gorgeous yarns in my Folksy shop. The first is a 100g skein of Hand Maiden's Sea Silk in a fabulous colour called Nova Scotia.  

As you can see by the label - when I bought this skein it cost £16.99, but now it retails at £22.99 - and I'm selling it for just £12.00

Soon I'll be listing more sea silk yarn - this time from Sheepaints - called Marisilk.


I'm trying to reduce my 'stash' of materials and yarns, and the first item I've put on my Folksy site is this beautiful vintage lace.  

I think it's a bargain at £20 for two lengths of about 2.4 metres each...

I'll be listing lots of other stuff soon, too, so keep looking!

Thursday 20 January 2011

Max's Cardigan

I think this is the first cardigan I've made for Max!  I have made him socks though...

Anyway the cardigan is just plain, navy acrylic (Sirdar Countrystyle) and worked from the neck down.  

I wanted some unusual buttons but they seem impossible to find so I settled for white with blue bears on...

There were 6 buttons on the pattern, but I decided to only sew on 5 and sew back the edges of the top of the cardigan, as babies can't really cope with a high neck...

I felt it was not very big, although I did the 6 - 9 months' size, but it'll fit him for a little while at least!

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Anyone for Stitch Markers?

Well, downloads of the Bye Baby Bunting pattern are going well, and I've actually sold a pattern for the triangular coaster - Thank You Kelly Schott - my first sale.  It's not going to make my fortune - at £1 less PayPal commission I get just 76 pence - but they do say if you look after the pennies....

I have put my toe into new waters and made some sets of stitch markers to go in my Folksy shop.  They are made with silver headpins (the beads are threaded on these) and Rhodium rings to slip onto your needle.  I used vintage beads from my collection and have four sets so far that are going in the shop today.

They are going to sell for £3.50, which should give me a couple of pounds left after Folksy and PayPal have taken their slice!

Off to list them now!

Sunday 16 January 2011

Bye Baby Bunting

I've just added a new (FREE) pattern to my Ravelry store...

Baby bunting2

The pale blue 'flags' are made from Jaeger Matchmaker merino 4ply and the variegated ones from some hand-dyed 4ply sock I bought ages ago (and made these socks for Max in too!).

Baby bunting closer

I think they might be destined for Max's bedroom...

Thursday 13 January 2011

Natural Warm Auburn

Well - that's what it said on the box...

Redhead 2

Wednesday 12 January 2011

A Picture Paints a Thousand Words...

True, I'm sure, but I didn't think I looked like this... the 1980s.  It was only one of those photo booth photos, but even so, I come over all pale and podgy!

Now time has wrought its devastation and I am older (and slimmer)...

mirror, mirror 2

...and I actually prefer my self as I am now - even though I look a little mad in the photo! (I'm no good at taking photos of myself).

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Good Day; Bad Day

It started off good, but ended up bad.  Know what I mean?

In the morning and afternoon I was with my daughter, looking after baby Max while she had some facial treatment, then we picked up Molly, who was in a good mood, from pre-school.


Meanwhile.... I was having the car serviced...

That's when it all turned bad.

The bill was OK, but the list of things that needed attention was not.  I don't yet know how much it will all cost to put right, but it won't be pence... I came home and switched on the lights and two bulbs blew immediately. (Bu**er).
But at least they didn't trip the circuit-breaker, so I just had to replace the bulbs.  (Note to me - buy more bulbs)
To date, I have replaced 4 of the 12 halogen lights in the downstairs of the cottage.  (The upstairs has traditional lighting). In 2 1/2 months, this seems a bit excessive to me! 

After this, I opened a bottle of the only wine I had - which happened to be champagne...

...well, Cremant de la Loire, which is just as good, but not made in the Champenoise region, so cannot strictly be called Champagne.  Perhaps it's Sham Champagne!  

After just one glass I am finding that extremely funny, so perhaps I should not have a second glass!

Cremant de la Loire

Tomorrow I will ask a couple of different garages to quote for the work on the car (it has to be done) and then get it done.  I NEED the car.  Also, I can sell it in France for more than I could sell it here. (Obviously - it is left-hand drive)

So I will put off total despair until I have had those quotes.

Life can be so tricky... just when you think you've got a grasp on it, it turns round and bites you...

Monday 10 January 2011

Triangular Coasters

Hello!  Another week has gone by since my last posting, and I was ill again over the weekend with a mystery bug that gave me a terrible headache and sore throat, and I spent 2 days in bed! Hopefully I will soon get immunity to these UK germs and be able to go for weeks at a time without succumbing!

However, all is not doom and gloom - while recovering I picked up my crochet hook and some RICO Creative Cotton and designed these coasters!

They are reversible, being made of two triangles crocheted together, with the colours going light to dark on one side and dark to light on the other.

I have put them up for sale on my Folksy website, and I'm also going to publish the pattern on Ravelry in the very near future.  Unfortunately it won't be free this time (I have to pay my rent here) although it will be very reasonably priced.

Sunday 2 January 2011

Bags, Bootees and Blankets

It's been a long time since I updated this blog, but I haven't been idle!  

I tried to make most of my presents, but it's hard when you give to the same people every year... my son has enough hats to sink a ship... and most of my family have enough scarves and bags to open a shop.  So...I started making things for my Folksy shop as well and I'm going to list them soon.

For my daughter I made a beret in angora - but I wrapped it before I thought to take a picture.  It was from this pattern..

... and I made it in a pale green angora from Filature du valgaudemar.  

Green angora

It's a beautiful yarn and goes a long way - the beret took one and a half balls.

For my son-in-law I made this hat..

purlaway hat pic

..but I didn't have the proper yarn and it turned out a bit small.  So I made this one too...

Turn a square hat

...and that was possibly a little too big!  Anyway, he got them both and I have the feeling that they may only be worn on a cold day in the shed! When I think about it, I've never seen Marcus in a woolly hat...

I made some doll blankets for Molly...

... which she was delighted with!

Today I started on making more items to sell on Folksy or my next stall at a Craft Fair.

As Spring is not far off (I hope) I've started with some bootees..

White_Ivory rose bootees

They fit babies from 3 to 6 months and usually sell well.

And lastly, I must show you the little granny square bags I made...

Granny Square bag - red and green

Granny Square bag - mauve

...I think I'm going to line them and then put them on Folksy.