Thursday 8 July 2010

Too hot to Vacuum

Thought I would vacuum the top floor of the shop when it cooled down this evening, but when I left, at 6.30, it was still boiling hot.  I did half of the room then decided that I was being rather silly, so I left the rest.

It's been about 34° today, which is quite hot enough for me!  I can't believe that, about 3 weeks ago, I was crossing the street outside the shop to warm up in the morning sunshine.  Now I stay in with the doors and windows open for a through breeze.

So - in this heat - what craft project am I looking at?  Hot water bottle covers, of course!  You didn't need to ask! I have been smitten by this, on Rachel Herron's blog, yarnagogo.  The striped version is a knitted version of the ISBN barcode of her book.

There is another version, with a cable, which ( I think) I like even more...

...but it is not now the weather for knitting these, so I am still knitting cotton baby hats on 4 needles.


  1. I cant bear to think about hot water bottles....we have 33 degrees even in Brittany!

  2. I love your hotty covers. I don't knit but appreciate what others make. My friend is on to her 40th pair of socks ... and she is posting them for me!
    But hotty covers and knitted socks are a good get ahead start for the winter that will surely follow autumn.
    Blessings Val xx
