Thursday 29 July 2010

The Warr Effort

No - it's not a spelling mistake - my daughter's married name is Warr.  Led to some family fun, I can tell you...

For example, lots of names were suggested for the first baby - such as First World and Second World - a sign of a warped sense of humour I think.  And then there was a thought about a house name (before the babies) and I suggested Warr's Piece which, for some reason, was not adopted...

Anyway, I digress....

The Warr Effort is my irreverent name for the little blanket I am currently making for the baby.  To be honest I started it months ago (I was sure the baby was a boy) but then I got cold feet and put it on hold.  Today I got it out and continued.  It is the Willow square from Jan Eatons 200 crochet blocks book, and is my favourite crochet square design.

It is in pale blue organic cotton (Rowan Purelife) and a Phildar cotton in khaki, with a bit of white thrown as as the centres and edging.  It looks very pretty.

There is a drawback with the Purelife though.  I found that the outside of the yarn ball was faded and, inside the ball band it warns you that the yarn is dyed with natural dyes that can fade if exposed to strong light.  I have had it in a bag ever since I bought it, so can only assume it has faded while in the shop/warehouse/outlet where it came from (bought it on the Net).  As I am making squares this fading is not noticeable, but it would have made a HUGE difference in a little cardigan ....or anything you wore in the sun.


  1. Love that colour combo - even if it has faded a bit!!!

  2. Such pretty colours and I love the design you chose for the squares! :) x

  3. That is awesome. Shall I get the tutorial to make it?
