Thursday, 4 October 2012

Pumpkins for Halloween

Okay - a change for you today - some Halloween pumpkins from Petals to Picots' pattern. Easy to crochet with just a little bit of yarn...

3 little pumpkins

The only change I made (after the first one) was to do the stalk as iCord rather than the crochet suggested in the pattern...

Little pumpkin

...oh, and I used green yarn rather than brown.


Twiglet said...

Lovely pumpkins!!

Annie said...

What cute little pumpkins Penny. I bet you really enjoyed making those...I know I would.
A x

Crafty in the Med said...

Gorgeous,cute,smashing....I could add to this list but I'll just say I like them!

Amanda :-)

Debra in France said...

I LOVE THESE!!!! Can't wait to see them tomorrow. xx

Kara @ Petals to Picots Crochet said...

Ooooh ... I love how they came out!! And the way you did the stalks is awesome! Thanks for sharing :)

Preeti said...

Very nice ! :) I too was planning to make those after seeing them at petals to picot. I am your new follower :)

quilterliz said...

G'day penny. They are just gorgeous. Take care. Liz...

Solstitches said...

Cute, cute cute!
