Thursday, 29 August 2013

The Age of Innocence

Since finishing the pink blanket, I have been beavering away making little hats for Innocent Bottles.  

Every winter since time began for the last 10 years Innocent have been donating to Age UK.  They do this through an initiative called the Big Knit.  People like you and me (and my Flickr friend Mia) make teeny, tiny fairy/elf-sized hats just big enough to go on top of an Innocent smoothie bottle.  For every bottle with a hat that is sold (starts in November) Innocent donate 25p to Age Concern. Since they started, they have raised over £1 million!

I have made my hats very simply but, if you look here, you'll find some amazing designs that have been invented by some very talented people.

I am working on the basis that, if I make simple ones, I can make more and thus raise more money for Age UK.  So I started off with the basic pattern...

First three

Then went on to embellish the hats a little more...

3 pinks

flowery three

And then I started to make some in crochet...

The Flapper girls

The quirky ones

This morning I went full circle with the plain pattern, but this time I made them with oddments of my handspun yarn...

The Handspun

I'm aiming to fill this box...

Box for Innocent

...and then I'll send it off to the UK.

Now - back to weeding the terrace!


Sharon said...

Oh that is brilliant Penny! A good friend of mine and her daughter in the UK, bought some of these smmothies last winter just to get the hats for their ball jointed dolls!! I thought they were really cute snd a great idea. I didn't realise that they benefited a charity too!!! What a great idea!!!!

Marigold Jam said...

Well done! I made a few when I used to go to Knit and Natter in town but had forgotten all about it since that finished. Your hats are really lovely.

Elizabethd said...

Think I might, possibly, have a go at that!

Melissa ~ twoknitwit said...

how wonderful!! the crocheted and handspun are my favorites

Angela said...

Oh so cute! I knitted all mine as my crochet skills are still quite limited.