Friday, 6 February 2015

Another Cold Day

I suppose we should expect it - it is winter, after all, but there is more variation in Winter days than in Summer ones, I think.

Here is today's weather report... by this afternoon we will up to the dizzying heights of plus figures (1°).

I still think it is a day for knitting by the fire - and anyway I have to wait in for a courier delivery of some wool from ICE yarns in Turkey.  I'm going to make the Tide cardigan that Janet made here from the Rowan Tweed Collection book.

Janet says it is very tailored and, unfortunately, my body is not, so I think I'll try and leave out the waist shaping. In the Rowan book it doesn't look tailored at all...

Tide cardigan

But this is an issue I DO have with Rowan.  They show beautiful, arty photos of the product, but it often gives a false impression of the actual garment. You really have to look at the diagram to see the actual shape of the garment...

Tide cardi diag

I guess a pattern is like an exam paper - you should read the whole thing through before you start...

1 comment:

Janet said...

I quite agree with you. Rowan can be very frustrating with their photography. I was surprised how shaped at the waist this cardigan is, the photo gives no clue.