Monday, 2 March 2015

A New Piece of Furniture!

I am now the proud owner of an Enfilade - or sideboard.  Also called a Buffet in both languages!

I found this in the big Maximum shop at Mailhac-sur-Benaize - here's a picture of it in my house...

New Sideboard 1

I'm guessing it comes from the 1940s or 50s, though I actually know nothing of its provenance.  Maybe even from the 1930s, judging from its cocktail cabinet centrepiece.

It is made of oak, so goes beautifully in its new home to the left of my oak stairs.

New Sideboard 2


Janet said...

What a lovely piece. It has lots of character.

Bev C said...


It suits the spot in your home perfectly. Enjoy.

Happy days.

Sharon said...

It really looks nice, you have a lovely home Penny!
Hugs Sharon x

Elizabethd said...

That will be so useful.