Saturday, 8 August 2015

Well, It's a Long, Long Time...

From May to December August

Sorry about that, the time just slipped away from me and blogging went with it.  I can't promise to do much better in the future, either, as I seem to have a million things to do these days.

For example, I've been visiting in the South of France...


...and went to a great market in St Antonin Noble Val...

Stalls 1

Flower stall

How I wish I could buy flowers like that in MY part of France!

And then I've been making a cake or two...

Blueberry and Walnut Muffin Cake, just out of the oven.

...because I bought a second-hand ELECTRIC oven which is installed in my dépendance...

Electric cooker!

...and it's sooooooooooooooo much better than my 'normal' cooker in the kitchen, which runs on a Butane gas bottle and burnt every cake I ever made.

And as well as all that, we've been revamping my other house, to let it out for holidays.  It's pretty well all done now.

House and garden


The living room...

Living room 3

...which is also where guests will sleep, as the settee pulls out to form a 'click-clack' bed...

Living room 2

Living room 1

The kitchen:


...with a few slight changes since the last picture was taken...

Kitchen 1

...and the bathroom:



Bathroom window

Now all I need is someone to stay in it!  I hope they like it and have a good holiday.  There's lots to do in the area, and a fishing lake with a play area and sandy beach for children, just a few minutes away in nearby Adriers.

If you're interested, just drop me a line!


Elizabethd said...

Penny, it looks so welcoming, and if we were able to ravel it would be somewhere we shuld love to come.
So pleased to see you back.

Babajeza said...

Nice, your house. I hope you get lots of visitors. :-)

Joy said...

Penny, good to hear from you. Obviously, you've been having an interesting life. I like how you do so many things and take so many risks and don't depend on a man for happiness or success.

Twiglet said...

Your little holiday cottage is delightful - I am sure you will soon get bookings. x jo

Bev C said...

Hello Penny,

Your holiday home looks so lovely and light, I am sure you will get lots of visitors, maybe even a blogger or two staying. It is wonderful to have a oven that works properly, happy cooking.

Happy days.

Carolyn said...

May to August? much longer for me but I hope to be back blogging soon. You certainly have lots to show for your absence. Well done!