Thursday, 2 June 2016

It Might Well Rain Until September...

In my last post it was a lovely day here.  But since then, there hasn't been much lovely weather.  Unless you like rain, of course, or you live in Scotland or Seattle and are used to it.

I don't love the rain, but I do love this song...

...although it seems sad to me, even though the words are not.

Here in the Limousin, we rarely get a full day of rain, but now we've had a full week of it and I think I can easily live without another day of the same.

My view across the valleys to the Monts de Blond is as misty as a Walt Disney film about Ye Olde England...

Wet garden 1

... and the garden is growing faster than a very fast thing and it's too wet to cut the grass, or pull up the weeds.  The lavender hedge is growing amazingly quickly and is taller than I've ever seen it.

Wet garden 2

It's been cold too, as well as wet, and I haven't done much this week.  But today I went over to the shop again and did some painting.  I wanted to make a start on some lights I bought for the living room.  They were advertised locally for only €40 the pair and I bought them a couple of months ago.  The colour was not right for the room, but I knew I could 'Annie Sloan' them!

There is one with three branches...

3-branch light before painting

...and one with five branches...

5-branch light before painting

I am painting them with Annie Sloan Chalk paint in cream - they have had one coat so far and it is looking good!

3-branch light after painting 1coat

After another coat and a touch of gold. I think they will be spectacular.

The 5-branch one is a bit of a pain - it has lots more leaves than the other one and it is almost impossible to get to all the bits. Consequently I am having to paint it a bit at a time, so it is dry enough to handle when I come to paint the next bit! I might try to spray some of the central pieces, but I'll see how far I can get with the rest tomorrow.

Jay, from Mon Chic Cottage gave me some bright pink paint, and I mixed it with some cream to lighten the colour and then painted a picture frame with it...

Pink frame for Flamingoes, after 1 coat

The frame is for a picture of flamingoes, so pink is very suitable...

Flamingoes in white frame

I liked the pink so much that I wanted to paint something else with it too.  I thought of doing a large pink square on the wall behind the cooker, but decided that the paint would not be durable enough, so my eye fell on the toilet door at the back of the room. Just the inside surface...

Pink inside toilet door

Looks pretty good, don't you think?  I think it will dry to a matt finish, though it looks glossy now.

Back to the painting grindstone tomorrow!  Maybe the rain will have stopped by then too and I can take my pictures without the flash!


Elizabethd said...

I would like to borrow some of your rain! My water tanks are almost depleted in the garden.
Nice pink door!

Joy said...

Hi Penny, yes, I've heard that Seattle gets plenty of rain, but then all the lush growth afterwards. I think some people can't take the gloom the rain produces (I would be one of them). I have some Annie Sloan chalk paint ('Provence') and am using it on a small multi-colored cabinet at the moment, I like how it looks so far. Your flamingo painting is unique, it looks very 'European' to me. I like your decorating style, it is very personal and unique. Maybe your rain will end soon, we've had a lot recently also, and today is a beautiful day!

Babajeza said...

I love the pink door! :-)