Thursday, 15 September 2016

Hanging Around...

The bunting is (I DID promise you some pictures)and so am I, as my car has been off the road for three weeks now!

I have been stuck in the house with no transport for what seems like forever, but at least I was able to get on with the bunting.

I have made two lots so far.

The first was a pastel colour mixture...

...and the second a simple pink and white combination...

Each heart has a bead at the tip to help it hang well and they are stiffened with a watered-down PVA mixture to stop them from curling.

As you can see from the first picture, taken in my garden, the weather here has been extremely dry.  Until yesterday we had not had rain since the last week in June!  Then, on Monday night there was a violent storm with high winds, followed by a day of rain - though fairly light.

In other areas the storm caused a lot of damage and one of the casualties here is my Internet connection.  At least, I think that is what's wrong. Now I can only access a handful of sites - those that load quickly - and with many others I just wait and wait and then get a message that the site 'Timed Out'.  Hopefully normal service will be resumed at some point and, when I get the car back, I'll at least be able to get Wi-Fi in a cafĂ©...

Incidentally, if you normally click on my pictures to enlarge them, you may not be able to for this post as I couldn't link them to Flickr as normal, because of that slow Internet :-(

Meanwhile I am on my third set of heart bunting in a mixture of 'sea and sand' colours...


Babajeza said...

Hopefully, you will be back to normal sooner than later. Happy Friday! Regula

Elizabethd said...

Your bunting is lovely. I think both France and SW England suffered from the same storm, it really raged around here.

Joy said...

I could tell how dry the grass was! We've had plenty of rain this summer, it's such a blessing in so many ways. Nice bunting, I really like the photo of the wood stove in the fireplace. do you cook on it? We have a wood stove and I keep meaning to try to cook something on it--I have cast iron pans.