Wednesday 2 July 2008

2nd July 2008 - Sunshine and Showers

Into each life a little rain must fall - as they say, and the rain here fell at 3 am. I know because the clap of thunder was directly overhead, shook the whole house, and woke me up. So Michelle was right (see my previous blog entry) and we did have a storm. It has struck me (in the manner of lightning) that the french word 'orage' ( storm) is very like the English word 'outrage' (only 2 letters in it, folks) and that storm, waking me at 3am on the first night I'd had any decent sleep for two weeks, was certainly an outrage in my book! Let's hope I get some uninterrupted sleep tonight. I'm (literally) tired of all this...

Anyway, being an intrepid English lady, I set off to Montmorillon market as planned only to find it practically deserted, both by stallholders and customers. Perhaps there was a flood warning too???

In the afternoon, the ground being workable due to the rain overnight, I weeded the flower border and cut the lawn before it began to rain again. I must say the flowers are doing well, and the recent hot weather has not diminished them (except the Oriental Poppies). Here are some pictures, but there are more on my Flickr page.

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