Tuesday, 14 June 2011


At last - I got the curtain pole up!  Thank you Giles, for explaining how to get through that blasted rail!

curtain pole

Then I hung the curtain on it...

curtain on pole

All I need to do now is sort out some sort of tie-back.  Probably I'll crochet something in the same cotton I used for the edging. Of course, I've got to drill another hole to put in the little brass thingummybob that the tie-back hooks on to...


GerryART said...

Beautiful !
Lovely the sunny yellow glow.

Elizabethd said...

Put a stickyback hook on, if the tie isnt too heavy it will hold.
Your curtain looks so pretty against the walls.

Anonymous said...

Hello Penny,
Just glue the hook on with one of these new super adhesives, so much easier to use for lots of things onto placo.
You ARE working hard now you are back in France, and it's so nice to read about it.
Best wishes, Anita

French Nanny said...

I would try the glue route, but I already have the brass hook thing, and it has an integral screw to fix it in the wall...