Wednesday 27 February 2013

A Load of Balls

That's how today has been.  No, I'm not feeling better, but that's not why...

A day or so ago I found a whole load of plastic bags full off odds and ends of wool in the study.  I asked my son if he was taking up knitting, but apparently not. Not crochet either.  In fact they were left-overs from some he was given to take to a local knitting group. They took what they wanted and this jumble of oddments, including several half-knitted items, was what was left.

He said I could help myself. Dangerous words.

As I was feeling so rubbish, sore throat, continual coughing, streaming nose, headache etc I felt like some mindless yarn therapy so I decided to sort out all the oddments.  This I duly did.  I pulled back all the half-knitted things, sorted out the jumble and wound everything into neat little balls.

Surprisingly enough, it took me all day! But I was working at something considerably less than my normal speed.

There were a few white and cream bits and even a whole ball of grey and one of brown...

white balls

...some mauves and purples...


...lots of reds and pinks...

pinks and reds

and quite of bit of greens, blues and turquoises...

Blue and green

A pretty good haul all in all.

all the balls

I'm sorely tempted to make a cushion or blanket, but really I need to use up my own stash first - and I've got much, MUCH more than you see here!!!
I think I'll ask him if he would like me to take these balls to  local charity shop...


Annie said...

A load of balls yes but what a fab lot it is :-)
A x

Elizabethd said...

So sorry you are feeling so rotten. From experience , it does, eventually, go away.

moleymakes said...

Sorry to hear you're poorly. Hope you get better soon.

What a result with the unwanted yarn. I can see cushions and blankets in the pipeline :)

tales from a handmade home said...

What a fab haul........hope you feel better soon Penny.

Just to let you know my blog is going private this weekend, as I'm still having problems with a certain person.........I'm adding the blogs I follow to the reading list, so that you can gain access to the blog if you wish.

Kara @ Petals to Picots Crochet said...

Yay! What a great score :)