Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Rhubarb and Custard

No, not this...

but this...

...and, in fact, not EXACTLY like that, as I used nectarines instead of rhubarb.

As usual, I followed the instructions as well as I could (considering I had to substitute some of the ingredients) and even so, I feel the pastry was a bit too brown...

I haven't tried it yet, as it is still hot out of the oven, but it looks as though it will be quite good.  I say that because I tasted the custard part before it was cooked, and I tasted the nectarines (baked for 10 minutes with soft brown sugar) before I put them in the pastry case) and they both tasted fantastic!  Since the pastry took a little bit more effort than my normal shortcrust, I'm just hoping that it will be OK too...

No calories, I guess, since there was no mention of them in the recipe,,.


Crafty in the Med said...

it sounds delicious so it must be nice and I like nectrines! Let us know :-)

keep well

Amanda x

Elizabethd said...

Bound to be without calories then, if no mention of them....!

Louise said...

Oh I laughed so hard at your no calories comment since they weren't mentioned in the recipe! What a fabulous way to think. It looks delicious and has made me hungry for custard with rhubarb.