Tuesday, 21 March 2017

The Rain it Raineth Every Day...

It is Monsoon season here in Les Granges. It rained some of last week and today it has been raining all day and the forecast is for more of the same for the rest of the week!  Enough to take the spring out of your step replace it with a squelch.

At least I got the lawn cut last week and the potager dug at the weekend...

The Art of Weeding in the Rain 3

 ...but I wanted to spread out the gravel that The Lovely Tim barrowed on to the top and bottom terraces yesterday, while I was out...

Top terrace beach2

Moles perhaps...

... and finish weeding the terrace border...

Terrace border half weeded

...and perhaps make a start on the boder at the right-hand-side of the garden, which is now completely invisible, due to grass and weeds!

Hazel hedge border

But Heigh-Ho, no point in struggling on and getting soaked, so today is a day in front of the log burner, watching the blue tits on the fat balls and listening to the cheeky one that raps on the kitchen door window like Oliver asking for more!


Elizabethd said...

A day in front of a log burner sounds very good to me!

Jason Fist said...

The rain will help everything grow wonderfully. Can't last forever!

Joy said...

What is that body of water? Is it a stream or irrigation ditch? We need rain here, but the grass is greening, tulips, daffodils and others are coming up.