Friday, 21 April 2017

New Chairs for Old

Where was that from?

In the Arabian folk-tale, "Aladdin and the Wonderrful Lamp", a poor boy discovers a magic lamp, which brings him riches. A wicked sorcerer steals the lamp, by offering "New Lamps for Old" to Aladdin's servant, a poor bargain since the old one was priceless; hence Kipling's title. Aladdin succeeds in slaying the sorcerer and recovering the lamp, so all ends well for him.

Well, that's the only reference I can find, so I suppose that must be what I was thinking of.

Anyway, I digress, because I actually wanted to show you my chairs.

And I can already hear my son's voice in my head saying "What chairs?"

To which the answer is - Wotcha mate!   ... amid gales of laughter...

Anyway, pick yourself up and look at the picture!

Director's chairs finished

So here they are.  I haven't touched them for over 10 years, always meaning to recover them, but never getting round to it.  I put them into my little sale a couple of weeks ago but no-one was interested, so I thought I MUST recover them and see how it goes.  Now I can probably sell them next time I have a sale.

I think, next time, I will have a Barn Sale at the La Tache house or the Le Dorat apartment - always supposing they haven't sold in the meantime.  So I want to do up some furniture and odds and ends and see how that kind of thing sells. 
Seems to go all right for the presenters on 'Money For Nothing', but they are selling in Loondon at high prices and using professional people to fix and re-purpose things (at a huge cost, usually) whereas here there is just me doing the work, and no rich people to turn up and buy stuff.

Heigh-Ho, let's see how it goes anyway!

I made enough this time to do the work in the garden that I wanted but, unfortunately, I now have a bill to pay for servicing and mending the mower and the car is due for its CT (MOT in the UK) in a couple of months time and needs a thorough service before that.  So, nothing will happen in the garden!

Still, the garden looks pretty good anyway, even without those edging stones...

Garden view


Serenata said...

The chairs look great now, I am sure they will get snapped up at the next sale. There always seems to be some bills to pay doesn't there! The garden is looking gorgeous.

Joy said...

The chairs look great Penny. I've recovered chairs just like that. Your garden looks very nice, I know it's a lot of work to keep it up. What are the hills in the background? Do they have a name? Also, you have a beautiful lilac bush there.

Babajeza said...

How did the sale go anyway? I have old chairs waiting for a cheer-up in the shed. :-)

Jason Fist said...

Chairs look lovely. Garden looks amazeballs. Finger crossed for the car and hope the mower doesn't cost too much...