Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Summer gets you Gardening

Well, here I am again, and not so sad this time. I think that working in the garden IS therapeutic and obviously it is good to get out in the fresh air, and working on the garden makes me happy, not sad. So gardening is a win/win situation for me - although I am not really an outdoors-y type 😊

The weather was perfect for it today - not too hot, but lovely and sunny, with some light rain yesterday that made the ground more friable so that it was easy to dig or pull out weeds.

So I have done LOADS today :

  • I planted potatoes
Potatoes planted
  • I planted a Chaenomeles bush I have had in a pot for several years.  
Chanomeles Japonic, Cameo, planted
  • I weeded all the pots out in front of the house that, frankly, looked as if I was growing a potted lawn!
Plants in pots at front, weeded
  • I started work on weeding the back border, which is roughly under my hazel hedge.  It has not been looked after and was (most of it still is) full of grass, weeds and brambles and was under a blanket of brown leaves from the oak tree. I 'found' some bluebells (well, white bells) which are just about to flower, so that's good.
Clearing the back border
I sorted out a wooden box ready to plant some spring onions, which you can't buy over here...

Ready to plant Spring Onions
  • I checked all the seeds I planted recently - these are butternut squash -......
Butternut seedlings 4th April

  • Watered some strawberry plants that I put in yesterday

Strawberry one day after planting

  • and planted a Clematis Montana that I bought last week -it will be great in the Blue Bench garden, and flower just before the roses.

So I feel quite pleased with myself, althought there is still work to be done, but I must now concentrate on sorting out my craft stuff and excess yarns etc, as I'm having a little sale here next week, with people coming to the house to buy things.  I had one a few months ago that went well and I hope this one will raise enough money to get someone in to put in edging stones all along that back border and maybe the potager as well. That will help stop the grass spreading into the borders and making them difficult to manage.


Elizabethd said...

You have been so busy with the garden, Penny. I believe you are right, being outside does help the spirits.

Babajeza said...

I don't kniw about the weather at home as we are spemding a few days in Lisbon, where the summer has already started. It may bee cooler at home. 😊 Enjoy your garden. Have a break. Regula