Friday, 5 May 2017

Looking For the Summer

Mornings are still cold - though this afternoon we are promised a temperature of 22 degrees!

I have been clearing a long bed of weeds - not an easy task.

Long border 2

 That's what comes of leaving it too long.  I could barely find my Lily-of-the-Valley and they had been swamped by the grass and nettles...

Lily of the Valley

The rose hedge has got very leggy and is not much of a hedge now...

Rose Hedge

...I suppose I should have pruned it years ago. After the flowers are over this year, I'll cut it down to hedge height and hope it recovers.  It has two choices.

I now have only a couple of metres left to weed - this is the next bit...

Next to weed

...and this is the last bit - up to my neighbour's (holiday home) fence...

Last bit to weed

We had a very heavy and unseasonal frost about a week ago that caught a lot of things that were shooting, and completely destroyed the begonia in my hanging basket.  It was looking like this...

Hanging basket

...and now it looks like this...

Frosted begonia 1

But in the Blue Bench garden, things were a bit more protected and the French rose is flowering well...

French Rose

...and the David Austen rose Eleanore Berkeley is about to burst into bloom...

Rambling Rector

Cinders, my cat, has settled in well, and often accompanies me around the garden.  She knows how to trim the grass...

Cinders in May

... though she's not a very diligent worker...

Camera Shy in May


Elizabethd said...

22 degrees! I wish it were the same here, but it's cold and windy today.
Rambling Rector is a huge rose and needs so much space. I love it but never have enough room for it.

Clicky Needles said...

Boo to frosts. Your garden is looking good even with the weeding still to do.