Monday 5 January 2009

The Whiteness of White

Today dawned with even more whiteness than yesterday. Ian came and jump-started the car for me, and I was able to go out to the knitting group at Le Dorat. Before I went I took these pictures:

As you can see, the trees were absolutely beautiful - like a stage set from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe...

I thought we were in for some snow, but as yet, none has arrived. However, I was speaking to someone who lives about 30 minutes from my house, and there they were in the middle of a snowstorm - thick, white flakes, apparently. I must be in Spare Oom, and they are in Narnia ...

Let's hope the car starts tomorrow, as I have to take a form (for permission for scaffolding to be erected outside the shop) to Luke who lives in Tersannes, so that he can fill it in and take it to the Mairie in Le Dorat before he starts work on the roof of the shop at the beginning of March.

After that I must go and get a new car battery.... in the opposite direction, of course!

1 comment:

Jason Fist said...

Wrap up warm. It's going to be bitterly cold tomorrow...