Thursday 28 January 2010

French Lavender and Memories

Yes, I know, I said I wouldn't have time..... but a girl has to have a coffee break... or two...

...and I wanted to show you some of the things I've found while sorting out my boxes. Stuff I haven't seen for years... useful stuff...memories...

I'll show you them bit by bit, as they reveal themselves to me.

Firstly, Jason's French knitting. My son, who is now, oh, ever so much past 20, did this when he was a child...

...which, oddly enough, was never made into anything. Fancy a coffee-pot mat, Jace?

Also - I remember someone wanted a source for Lavender. I came across the bill for the lavender I ordered in 2007, which is still good, having kept its colour and scent. I am still using it (I bought 3 kilos). It came from this place:

It's not cheap, but I highly recommend it.

More goodies later...

1 comment:

Marigold Jam said...

Love that French knitting! Hope the clearing up is going well - get back to it now!!
