Wednesday 12 January 2011

A Picture Paints a Thousand Words...

True, I'm sure, but I didn't think I looked like this... the 1980s.  It was only one of those photo booth photos, but even so, I come over all pale and podgy!

Now time has wrought its devastation and I am older (and slimmer)...

mirror, mirror 2

...and I actually prefer my self as I am now - even though I look a little mad in the photo! (I'm no good at taking photos of myself).


Elizabethd said...

Oh, photos...I hate being photographed, and tend to have a dozy face on immediately the camera is pointed at me...see my recent post!!
I do like your pretty top.

Crafts @ Home said...

That the good thing about ageing, I think we become more content with ourselves, you look good today :)

Raquel Gonçalves said...

I think that's what they call "aging well"! :)
I love reading your posts. They are really funny sometimes.

Tea with Prudence said...

Love the cardy.

It would be good to figure out how to take the photo in the mirror, but not the camera..

I usually end up with stray fingers and camera straps in mine
