Monday, 23 April 2012

Leg of Lamb

No - I haven't stopped being a vegetarian...

I promised you a lamb from Fuzzy Mitten's free pattern, and this is the first leg!

First leg of lamb 2

I took a picture of it in the 'standing' position, but it looked rather obscene...

First leg of lamb

Rose-Vanilla Bunny

Also - the latest bunny - Rose-Vanilla.  Her body is knitted with a strand of cream DK and a strand of palest pink Rowan Kidsilk Haze, with a tiny bit of glitter in it.  I don't think they do that yarn any more.


Rose-vanilla, back


bijouxboutique said...

Penny these rabbits are lovely!
Sorry I've not been in touch with you, I'm crap at that!
Hope you are well, and I promise to drop you a line soon, to let you know what I've been up to, which is not much other than knitting!

Solstitches said...

So cute! I am scrolling back through your blog and seeing so many lovely things.
I have a half knitted bunny in my knitting bag. I feel inspired to get on with it now.