Thursday 12 April 2012

Myosotis and Lavender...

...bunnies again!

A couple of days ago I made Myosotis Bunny and today I finished Lavender Bunny.

Myosotis (Forget-me-Not) is all in blues and her body is a bit fluffy...

Myosotis with cardigan and shoe bows

For a few days I forgot to put her shoe bows (a crocheted chain) on, but today I remembered to do that!

Myosotis Bunny's shoes

I have also finished Lavender Bunny today...

Lavender Bunny

She has a pale lavender-coloured body and is vaguely reminiscent of Miss Marple...

Lavender Bunny, close

Perhaps I should make some male bunnies, although I would obviously have to keep them apart!


Annie said...

Ohhhhhh no don't put a male bunny with them or you will have more than you bargain for....guess it would save on the knitting though :-) :-)
A x

Annie said...

Meant to say....your bunnies are just adorable.
A x

Elizabethd said...

They are so sweet!

sara said...

Your sweet bunnies have cheered me up no end, they are so lovely.

Carol said...

Oh aren't they sweet, such characters. I can see a very naughty - not sweet - real life one eating our grass at the moment. When I walk down to the greenhouse at night all I can see is little white blobs disappearing into the shrubs!
Carol xx