Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Another Sunshiney Day...

I know, almost unbelievable. Any more of this and I'll begin believing it might just possibly be summer...  Did I say that out loud?

Anyway, it's sunny and warm again, although the ground still hasn't dried out enough for me to do the veg patch and my mower isn't mended yet, so I can't do the lawn (but Pete's coming over later with the part)...

So, for the moment, all I have are some pictures of what is out in my garden.  Lots of things have responded to the rain and sunshine (no, not JUST the weeds) so here they are.  The Lily of the valley is a little tardy - you're supposed to give it to your nearest and dearest on the 1st May, so no chance of that!

Lily of the Valley

But it is growing well, and maybe the pink one has survived in there too.

The bluebells (are they still bluebells if they're white?) are out in strength - for the first time since Joan gave me six little bulbs a few years ago...

White bluebells

...I wonder if the hard winter has made them better than previously. Actually, previously one or two of them had weedy flowers and the others had a few thin leaves.
There is a stray orange tulip that has suddenly sprung up amongst them, so I wonder if it naturalised over the years and finally got to flowering size...

orange tulip

This viola is supposed to be called Freckles, but I see no signs of freckling...


...>and this little viola has been flowering since the autumn when Sue bought it for me...

purple violas

The lilies I planted back in February are springing up in their pots...

lilies coming up
lilies coming up 2

...and the rocket I planted to eat in sandwiches is rocketing on faster than I can eat it!

rocketing rocket

Perhaps I can begin to plant the plants I bought at the Château fair a couple of weeks ago, and this perennial geranium - Mourning Widow - that I bought at PP Plantes recently...

Mourning widow

The weeds are also growing fast, although they are pretty too - this ground-covering Scarlet Pimpernel that opens only in the sun...

scarlet pimpernel

...and this 2ft high dandelion thing that I suppose I'll have to pull up before its cheery yellow flowers turn to dangerous self-seeding everywhere fluff...

tall weed

Even the irises have lots of fat buds that will soon become beautiful flowers...

Fat iris bud

Soon I'll be able to bring my craft work outside into the sunshine, where we'll both bloom...


Elizabethd said...

What a lot you have going on in the garden. Violas are one of my favourites, always dainty , and they seem to have very long lives.

Carol said...

Your plants are certainly blossoming. I used to have Viola Freckles but it disappeared, I've bought some sees but now sown them yet.
We had a little sun yesterday but it is grey and cold again today. pah.
Carol xx