Monday, 14 May 2012

Cupcake Pincushions

Yesterday I made a cupcake pincushion, from a pattern I bought from Audrey Wilson of The Design Studio...

Yellow flower cupcake

I love the finished article, but don't like the fact that it doesn't have a flat base and, as it is very light with the polyester stuffing, keeps rolling over.  It rather resembles a weeble...

...well, maybe if I had made the paper case in pink...

I have an idea, however, and may be using a little ramekin dish I bought at a local porcelain factory outlet as the base for the next one.  This will make the cupcake stable, although not as good for transportable sewing, as it will be just that bit heavier...

ramekins and cupcake pincushion

I did, in fact, make my own pattern, a few years ago, for a pincushion in a ramekin dish, although it was a soufflé and not a cupcake...

Another idea I had was to include a thick base, like heavy card, but I am not sure how to insert that so it doesn't move... maybe glue? I've already amended the pattern to include a round of reverse stocking stitch before the sides of the cupcake case are started.  That, at least, makes a delineation of the end of the base.


Annie said...

I think a good strong circle of card glued in the base before stuffing would work well Penny. Love the design though.
A x

quilterliz said...

G'day Penny. That is so cute. Maybe a flatter base would help it sit better. But I love it. Take care. Liz...