Monday 15 October 2012

Innocent Hats and French Bonnets

I know - it sound like some sort of sexy hot pepper... a French Bonnet...

But actually, bonnet is simply a hat in French.  Any sort of hat can be described as a bonnet, which sounds weird to us English as bonnet to us is a particular TYPE of hat...

Anyway, that's not precisely what I wanted to talk about.

Just yesterday I looked on Innocent's UK site to see when they wanted the bottle hats in, only to find that it was by the start of October!  How come time ticks by so slowly and then suddenly rushes past at the speed of light?  Actually, I guess there is some sort of scientific correlation between time and the speed of light but, in my house, there is some sort of rift in the time/space continuum and time slows down and speeds up for no apparent reason, and without me even knowing, it seems, until a date has gone or is so imminent I can't do anything about it.

So I resigned myself to thinking that I couldn't take part in the hat challenge this year. Until I saw Lindevrouws web site this evening. I saw that, in the Netherlands, they have until 1st December to get their hats in.  And then I looked at the French site...

...and their critical date is the 15th December!!!!

So I'm sending mine to Paris - they have some great patterns...

...I especially like the cat!

On the UK site there are more patterns - a great one for a sheep hat...

...must have a go at that one!


Annie Cholewa said...

Now that's good news, I was worried I'd missed the day too!

My house must be built on that same rift in the space/time continuum as yours!

quilterliz said...

G'day Penny. They are so cute. I have never heard of bottle hats. What a great idea. I love the sheep one, it's gorgeous. Take care. Liz...