There weren't many here early today, when I filled my coffee machine and it poured water all over the worktop... But I have discovered that you can make coffee quite adequately in a large teapot and strain it into the coffee pot. Of course, it doesn't keep the rest hot, but, for the moment, the microwave still works, so I can just use that for re-heating.
I AM getting some smiles, watching the birds eating the seed I've put out for them. In particular, a little robin, or maybe two, has been visiting, although the blue tits tend to frighten him/her away...
The weather has turned colder, but it IS December, so it was to be expected - but today is a little warmer than it has been and the frost was not so hard this morning. I am using up my wood at a rate of knots, however, and bringing in a trolley-load each day...

This much wood will last me a day and a half, hopefully...

...but there's not much left in the woodshed now...

...and it certainly won't last me through the winter!
But right now I'm keeping the home fires burning...

..although it's best to keep the door SHUT to avoid being smoked out...

...although you can't feel the warmth as much that way.
Fluffy Baubles
Ok-so not the greatest song in the world, but it makes me smile, anyway!
And here are the

Fab post Penny. Thanks for joining in the fun today.
Annie x
I know exactly where you are coming from with the wood saga! We seem to be using it quicker than we can get together to fetch, cut, chop and stack. Me being the chief fetcher and stacker! I have an aversion to the chain saw after the knee incident. Love that red stove!
Loving your tribles too!
I could not bear the feeling of not having enought wood for the whole winter. I assume you will get more sooner than later ....
Thanks for visiting while I slept. Your red stove is gorgeous. I wish I had one of those, since natural gas is SO expensive in the US. I can't imagine what it would be like to not have a back up system.
Loved the "tribble" baubles. They are adorable.
Lovely post but I do hope you can find enough logs as I would hate you to freeze!
Jo x
Keep warm Penny and keep those Tribbles coming.....get enough of them and you can snuggle inside a big bunch of them and you'll be nice and cosy warm!
Big hugs Sharon xx
They look like little coloured hedgehogs curled up!
That wood burner looks so cosy. Great woolly baubles too - not sure I could manage those - they look a bit tricky. Think I will needle felt a few little items for my tree this year. x Jo
Love your red stove but so glad I don't have to heat with a wood burner. Tribbles! Love 'em! Hugs from FL.
Oh boy....our weather at Christmas time is always very hot. Oh to have a cold Christmas. lol. Love the baubles.
Cheers, Anita.
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