Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Les Cheries

Corolle do a line of dolls called Les Cheries. They smell of vanilla and have appealing little faces.  They're not cheap, but they are sweet.  I have two of them at present.

I've been designing some clothes for them, and this primrose-coloured dress and hat set is my first attempt...

I thought it turned out out rather well so I made a second set, in a lilac-y mix...

Both sets will be for sale in my ETSY shop The Dolls Outfitters in a few days time...


Sharon said...

Very pretty Penny! I'm glad to see that you're still enjoying knitting for your dolls!
Big hugs Sharon in Spain x

Elizabethd said...

What chic little ladies!

Babajeza said...

Lovely! :-)

Louise said...

These dolls are very sweet, I have never hear of them before. They look like my beloved Blythe dolls and I love the little dresses you are designing. How tall are the dolls? I wondered if they would fit Blythe?