Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Well - I know you're agog with excitement at the thought of a continuation of the Door Saga...

And quite right too!

So here's a picture of the door so far. And it probably won't get much better than this...


... apart from a tidy-up round the edges, a coat of paint and a  handle.  Then there's just a little matter of the differing room heights, which will require a step on the dépendence side, which will need to be built over the soil pipe coming along at the base of the party wall! Quite when that will be achieved I don't know, but at least I can get my wood in without going out in the rain now!


Elizabethd said...

I think a ramp would be safer? We had a step into a room and everyone tripped up it, but when we put a sloping wooden 'ramp' it was better.

Babajeza said...

Nothing better than the wood being in the next room. :-) Take a rest now! Regula

Joy said...

I think it looks like a cool little room. Our firewood is on a covered back porch.

French Nanny said...

It’s just too high for a ramp Barbara and, thankfully, it would be impossible to trip up a height like that 😊
But I know what you mean. I have a small step from the kitchen to the living room and new visitors often trip up if I forget to warn them.

French Nanny said...

Thank you Joy 😊

French Nanny said...

I think I do too much resting 😃