Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Hot, hot, hot.

So, another hot day. Yesterday was 40 degrees C and today was 38. It is impossible to do anything either outside or inside. It's so tiring even just watering the garden in the evening☹️ Tomorrow is forecast to continue the same with 34 degrees.

At least Roy is a lot better.  We went to see the surgeon today and he confirmed that the hip implant was OK.  Such a relief and Roy has been off the painkillers today so that must be good!

With the hospital visit an hour's drive away the day was half gone by the time we got home again, but we did get to visit a hummongous Auchan supermarket in Poitiers and I'll certainly be going there again.  Such a change from the little local places, it reminded me of one I went to in Paris...

Anyway, we did get to plant, or rather half-plant a clematis, but the soil is soooo hard we couldn't knock in the metal stand without a lump hammer, which we don't have here☹️

So at present it is leaning against the wall...

Tomorrow I'll be driving back to the other house again to water the plants and try and tidy up etc so I can bring back the lump hammer and complete the job😊


Elizabethd said...

We have heard so much about the heat in France, and well remember the year of 2003 when we were in the South West....very hot indeed!

busybusybeejay said...

Glad Roy is ok.I love Auchan!We were in Northern France last week for Six days .Auchan in Mers les Bains stocks my favourite wine which is Cheverney.Never found it anywhere else apart from the Loire Valley.

Babajeza said...

Good luck with "the job". Did you succeed? All the best in the heat. Regula

French Nanny said...

I must try it next time. Is it red?

French Nanny said...

Yes, but Roy had to bang it in as I’m not tall enough😁