Sunday 2 September 2012

Season of Mists

Well - it's the 2nd of September today and it seems autumn is official!  I woke up to a misty landscape.

Mist over field and farm

The tall stems of dry cow parsley are festooned with spiders' webs like decorations on the branches of a christmas tree...

Spiders web on plant 2

Spiders web on plant 3

The spiders here don't make the classic webs you see in children's story books, but instead these seemingly random crossings of fine threads.  Probably these net-curtain-like webs catch smaller insects.  They certainly catch the mist droplets...

Little web on dead cow parsley


Trudy said...

Beautifully haunting photos. Makes me want to write a story ... !

Debra in France said...

Lovely photos Penny x

Babajeza said...

September ist the time to relax. Summer is gone. Now it's the best time of the year. :-)

quilterliz said...

G'day Penny.Lovely photos. Spider webs do look lovely with dew on them.Into our third day of Spring here now and already the weather seems to have changed. Yesterday was beautiful and today and tomorrow are meant to be glorious, the sun is shining as I write this and it's only 845am. Though it was frosty and cold earlier this morning. Minus 1 when I took the doggy for a walk. Take care. Liz...